
Main objective of the ALLsoSKILLED project is to develop an all-in-one learning program to help 35+ adult learners in strengthening soft skills while raising their awareness on the importance of lifelong learning possibilities, thus increasing their motivation for improvement and enhancing their employability skills in the process.
To obtain this goal the partners during the 2 years partnership will:
- Increase partners preparation and readiness to work with the target group by sharing competences and results coming from previous experiences and projects, to base the present proposal on relevant and valid contents and tools, offering also the transnational training to improve their competences and skills
- Enlarge partners training courses’ offer by developing and testing the ALLsoSKILLED program with a selected group of participants and their companies
- Increase trainers, business consultants and partners professional preparation when dealing with this specific target group,
- Improve the skills level and motivation for individuals with more than 35yoa, in order to increase their relevance for the labour Market
- Boost the usability – relevance – adequacy – sustainability of the ALLsoSKILLED program by engaging and sharing ownership with local actors, experts and stakeholders at local and regional level, during the evaluation and multiplier events
- Facilitate the future exploitation and transferability of the ALLsoSKILLED program at regional level by actively informing and involving local stakeholders in the project to ensure the use of the results during and after the project lifetime
Title: AllSOskilled
Running dates: October 2018 – September 2020
Programme: KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices
ID number: 2018-1-PL01-KA204-051089