Bridging the Gap

The project BRIDGING THE GAP main objective is to develop new digital knowledge, skills and competences for women in rural areas in order to increase their entrepreneurial, employability and employment opportunities, at the same time fighting the gender digital divide.
Based on this main objective, the following operational objectives are defined:
- To define a training path for the empowerment of rural women through the development of ICT skills for entrepreneurship.
- To identify the different actors in the training process and provide them with a clear pedagogical approach.
- To create an intervention framework for the training where all the agents involved participate and collaborate.
- To build an online platform that allows and ensure the training process.
This intervention structure will respond and act on the following strategic objectives:
- Developing the ICTs competencies of rural women entrepreneurs.
- Bringing ICT training closer to the target group, enabling their empowerment and contributing to fighting the gender digital divide
- Fostering rural women’s employability through ICT skills development.
Addressed to rural female entrepreneurs (women from rural areas who accepts challenging role to meet their personal needs and become economically self-sufficient), the project will develop a MOOC that will enable the upskilling of rural women in ICTs. The MOOC Bridging the Gap will be available as an Open Educative Resource in October 2022.
Title: Bridging the Gap – Digital competences for women in rural areas to increase their entrepreneurial opportunities and employability. Towards inclusion through entrepreneurship
Running dates: November 2020 – October 2022
Programme: KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
ID number: 2020-1-ES01-KA204-082832