CO-SOLIDARITY PLATFORM: Solidarity without borders
The journey of solidarity starts with Patras and the Co-Solidarity Platform.
The kick-off event of the Co-Solidarity Platform: Solidarity without Borders was successfully held. An initiative was established in order to promote the transnational solidarity network, starting from Greece and France, through the solidarity network that has been developed by local and social stakeholders in these two countries. This effort is supported by the Region of Western Greece, the social organizations Co2gether and InterMediaKT, the Patient Care Simulation Laboratory of the Department of Nursing of the University of Patras, and the French Organization SECOL.

The first presentation of this initiative to the society, which amounted to 130 participants, took place in Patras. The impact of the event caused great joy to the organizers and supporters of the initiative, as the necessity of the action had an impact on several citizens of the local community. Both participants and citizens had the opportunity to be informed about the services and health materials offered free of charge by the CO-SOLIDARITY PLATFORM. An online platform, through elderly and vulnerable groups, can have free health materials and mobility aids, and professionals have the possibility of training and corporate social responsibility programs.

During the presentation of the Co-Solidarity Platform, Nikos Stephanopoulos, an Associate Professor at the Department of Nursing, University of Patras, along with Karan Prasher, Creative Director of Karan Creative Media, in collaboration with Co2gether, showcased the first screening of a serious game for the elderly and caregivers. The film is based on health education, with a focus on shaping behaviors and not just providing information.

The main objective of the event was to develop and create partnerships with both institutional bodies of society and social enterprises and to disseminate the vision of the Co-Solidarity Platform related to the development of values, such as giving and solidarity.