- This project aims to enhance the experience of social participation and volunteering of young people in community actions through the enhancement of their mental health.
- The definition proposed by the World Health Organization in 2013, regarding the concept of mental health, refers to “a state of well-being in which the individual is aware of their own abilities, can face the stresses of life, they can work productively and fruitfully and are able to make a contribution to their community.”
- In 2020, they published a study indicating that the pandemic had caused an increase in mental health disorders and, as a consequence, essential services had been paralyzed in 93 % of countries in the world due to increased demand for this type of care.
- This project seeks to give young people the power and motivation to play a crucial role in their personal development, as well as in the development of their communities through active participation, which allows them to acquire essential skills for life, develop an understanding of human rights and citizenship; and foster effective civic engagement.
- The sense of initiation that can be implemented in each participant can promote their participation and social commitment. However, in order for young people to be adequately present in community actions, processes, and decision-making, they must be aware of their rights. There must be an effective way to participate and receive the necessary knowledge and capacity to participate meaningfully at all levels.
- For this reason, we can have the opportunity not only to provide young people with the necessary skills for good participation but also to investigate how mental health can be an important factor in improving the participation experience through methodology-based research. In addition, structures and mechanisms can be designed to help young people develop mindfulness with participation that will surely promote their participation.
The improvements that mental health awareness can provide are surely proven. However, in this project, we would like to take the opportunity to focus on the impacts that mental health awareness can have on efficient youth participation.

Running dates: January 2023 – January 2025
Programme: KA210-YOU – Small-scale partnerships in youth
ID number: 2022-3-ES02-KA210-YOU-000096531
Website: https://youth-keepdreaming.eu/
This project will focus on all stages of youth engagement and how to turn an anxious and stressful experience into a healthier and more effective one. Improving youth participation can have a direct impact on active citizenship.
By providing ways to have healthier engagement, young people will definitely be able to get more involved in their local communities, start taking action at different levels like towns, larger cities, or even on the national and global scale. This is the way to build a healthier community