IVEA-Innovation Vocational Education for Autism
The project IVEA Innovative Vocational Education for Autism intends to answer to the general aims and objectives of the Erasmus + Program as well as its specific field priorities. The project is directed to people with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) so they can strength their opportunities of employment, either in present or in the future. For that, the project aims to develop a European guide for the promotion of employment for people with ASD. In this sense, the project answers to the general aims and objectives of the Erasmus+ Program, as well as both horizontal and field specific priorities:
The main aim of the IVEA is the social inclusion of people with ASD and a more focused culture on a non-discriminative and active citizenship, promoting critical thinking in every country in Europe. IVEA project will contribute to the achievement of different objectives related to innovative approaches for addressing population with ASD while providing a new European holistic Guide for inclusion through employment. IVEA intends to create an active synergy with the partner‘s organizations in different fields related to employment and in socioeconomic sectors. This proposal will carry a more modern, dynamic, committed and professional approach through the integration of innovative methods using self-evaluation by people with ASD. Usually people with ASD don’t have the opportunity to give their own opinion in the choices, including those concerning vocational training and employment. It is important that this population will have the same opportunities in employment as other people. lVEA project intends to make a positive social and cultural impact through the edition of an interactive guide for inclusion of people with A50. The Guide + will be available to help the employment of people with ASD.
Title: IVEA – Innovative Vocational Education for Autism
Running dates: October 2018 – August 2021
Programme: KA2 – Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training
ID number: 2018-1-PT01-KA202-047368
Website: https://ivea-project.eu/
Social inclusion integrates different and innovative approaches to promote employment. The main idea of this project is to provide innovative methodologies to give more opportunities for people with ASD to be included in society. Thus the present project proposes to:
- Promote social awareness towards ASD in different countries, namely in the partner’s countries, by proposing a new guide that will enhance the transversal competencies to foster the employment of people with ASD. This guide will also be very useful for the inclusion and the development of social, civic and critical thinking, also combating discrimination and segregation.
- Enhance the access as well as the participation of disadvantaged population with ASD by reducing discrepancies in labour opportunities. Foster the employers’ awareness of the competencies and difficulties of that population based on the self-evaluation of those skills.
- Implement open and innovative practices, in a digital era: by using and developing digital tools and methods to develop ICT among all partners to the effective communication and dissemination of the project (e.g. skype conferences, social networks, websites and other digital media).
Concerning the specific field in vocational education and training, priority will be given to:
Developing VET business partnerships with employers aimed at promoting work-based learning especially in the held of people with ASD.
Developing a holistic Guide for promotion of employment for people with ASD in terms of European and international partnerships. Thus, the project prioritizes the development of a VET business partnership aiming to promote work-based learning in all its forms by involving social partners and companies in Europe, especially in the partners’ countries and specific local and regional organizations involved in the IVEA project.