Let Women Choose
HORIZONTAL PRIORITY: Supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences.
Problem analysis
Participation in the labor market of women in all EU countries is lower than that of men. Increasing the participation of women in the workforce and increasing their employment rate is paramount.
Specific objective
The specific objective of the project is the inclusion of women in the world of work, through the development and consolidation of women’s businesses.
The project wants to reach, therefore, the following results:
- renewal of the image of sectors currently identified as male domains;
- increase in the sharing of family responsibilities between men and women;
- strengthening of entrepreneurial ecosystems supporting the development of female companies;
- transfer of methodologies, tools and best practices (on the development and consolidation of women’s businesses, development of digital skills), already tested and tested in other contexts, which will accelerate the innovation process at the local level.
Title: Let women choose! – European partnership for the development of female entrepreneurship
Running dates: January 2020 – December 2021
Programme: Erasmus+ – KA2 Adult Education – Strategic Partnership
ID number: 2019-1-IT02-KA204-063142
Website: TBD