#MyStory – Everything you need to learn, to write correctly about the refugee in a seminar

What is really happening with the refugee crisis? Why did countries experiencing oppression suddenly raise walls? How well do we know the data? How much is “media blame” for stereotyping and how well do they manage information? How much did social media help us see the “big picture” and personal human drama?
These and many other questions related to information management on the refugee crisis in Europe will be attempted by InterMediaKT, through the #My story: Media, Refugees & Migrants seminar. In this young, information literacy students, journalists, bloggers, media officers, refugees and immigrants will tell their own story with one goal – to better understand what is happening by making use of every good practice and means at our disposal.
If you have a story, do not waste time. The seminar is free of charge, but registration is required, and monitoring certificates will be provided.
The project is funded by the European Commission, supported by the Europe Direct of the City of Athens, the UN International Organization for Migration, One Europe – Greece & Cyprus, Solomon, JAJ, the Department of Justice, the Media Literacy Institute and Rizopoulos Post.
Source: RizopoulosPost