YMI (Young Mediators for Inclusion)

The YMI aims to:
- (i) design and test in three European countries an innovative / pilot methodology to include children / youth with autism in regular community structures (sports clubs, cultural and recreational associations, activities promoted by municipalities, etc. ), on an equal basis with other children through technical follow-up (mediators for inclusion) and through evaluation and necessary adaptations;
- (ii) training “young mediators for inclusion” (facilitating agent that promotes the inclusion in articulation with the family and contexts);
- (iii) training technicians and other staff of all community partners, in order to ensure the full participation of children/with autism;
- (iv) design a European guide for the inclusion of children/youth with autism. To implement this innovative project has been established a consortium which includes 4 european associations (Inovar Autismo, Autismo Burgos, Autism Europe and Diversamente Onlus), a portuguese university (ISCTE Business School) and a partner entity specializing in new technologies (Interactive media knowledge transfer intermediate).
Title:Young Mediators for inclusion – (YMI)
Running dates: September 2019 – August 2022
Programme: Erasmus+ – KA2 – Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training
ID number: 2019-9-PT01-KA202-40EB07A4
Website: https://mediators4inclusion.eu/
Title:Young Mediators for inclusion – (YMI)
Running dates: September 2019 – February 2022
Programme: Erasmus+ – KA2 – Strategic partnerships for vocational education and training
ID number: 2019-9-PT01-KA202-40EB07A4
Website: https://mediators4
Most of the children and young people with autism still live on the margins of society. Almost all institutions that work in this area, develops specific activities directed only to children with autism, in segregated groups, accompanied by therapists.
This reproduces paths of exclusion, stigmatization, discrimination and early institutionalization. In view of this diagnosis, the Portuguese association Inovar Autismo (Innovate Autism), designed the Project “Young Mediators for inclusion” (YMI). This project promote the participation of children/young people with autism in activities developed by community structures, on equal terms withtheir pairs, through the support of “young mediators for inclusion”. This will allow a progressive transformation of community structures, which will certainly prolong the project’s impact in a sustainable way once the project is over.
Project results
Report of Critical Factors’ identification for the Success of Inclusion of Young People on the Autism Spectrum in Community’s
Activities Read and download the pdf here:

European Guide for the inclusion of persons on the autism spectrum.
Read and download the pdf here:

Innovar Autismo
You can already download and use the YMI project app
The project’s app was specifically designed for this purpose: to allow a progressive transformation of community structures. The app empowers autistic people and the mediators to break stereotypes and prejudices, via the creation of spaces for equal participation and the demonstration that inclusion is possible!
The ΥΜΙ project mobile application have been developed for Android devices and it can be installed on smartphones and tablets.
The app’s original language is English and will also be translated to Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French and Greek.