Final event of the project "Hug 65+”
The project “Hug 65+ ” has been completed with a final event. The purpose of the project was to contribute to the defense of the right to equal integration and access to the digital world for people over 65 years old. In these 24 months, we managed to:
- Create an application for smartphones where everyone can practice human rights
- Produce a documentary with the participation of 17 people over 65 years old and 8 representatives of the Civil Society for the needs of older people in the digital world
- Train 400 people over 65 from 8 cities in Greece in the use of the application and in the recognition of human rights
- Raise awareness of over 260 people on the issue of digital literacy of older people
- Train representatives of 12 technology companies to consider the needs of older people when designing websites.
We thank Eleni Karakitsiou, Program Manager of the Bodossaki Foundation, Katerina Gkagaki, Deputy Mayor of Social Solidarity and Civil Society, and Ourania Xylouri, Director of the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, for their participation in the final event of the project.
The project “Hug 65+” was implemented under the Active citizens fund Greece program with InterMediaΚT as the implementing agency and partner organizations.