ACDC – Adult Cognitive Decline Consciousness
Health and digital health literacy is a key challenge for Europe and European citizens,since it is the basis for allowing people to increase their knowledge and subsequently be empowered to take informed decisions and actions concerning their health. There is a huge amount of health information available both on paper and on line across Europe, but if the level of literacy of the population is not adequate, it is of absolutely of no use. A health literate citizen is a modern, informed citizen, able take sound health decisions and to share knowledge within the community. Spreading scientifically validated knowledge throughout our communities means huge perspective savings in health and social care systems, i.e. working towards a more sustainable European society in the long term.
General purpose behind the idea is to develop a set of innovative training tools addressing the health and digital health literacy issue for the prevention of cognitive decline in the elderly population and make them available to the widest possible audience.Specific objectives can be defined as follows:
- To validate an innovative form of strategic partnership designed to conceive and deliver the most proper health literacy training tools for better ageing and cognitive decline prevention.
- To set up and test a toolkit of e-learning based modules for health literacy(e-learning’s, apps, digital contents) built around an innovative approach of edu-training embedding professional communication techniques.
- To test a viable approach for making the training and educational contents available to the widest possible audience of European citizens.
- To deliver the training contents to adults and –through them –to families, in order involve a richer learning environment and efficaciously stimulate it.
Title: ACDC – Adult Cognitive Decline Consciousness
Running dates: October 2017 – September 2020
Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships | Adult Education
ID number: 2017-1-IT02-KA204-036825