Town twinning open call
Do you live in Patras or around this area?
Do you want to meet 100 citizens of different ages from Patras and Reggio Calabria, in order to know better the common Greek heritage from a European perspective and build together an Action Plan for access to the rights of young people from disadvantaged areas?
The activity is based on solidarity, volunteering, youth work, and self-entrepreneurship, and contrasts with Euroscepticism.
March 27th – 30th
Reggio Calabria , Italy
Infopack: https://bit.ly/towntwinning
Application form: https://forms.office.com/e/Fu8NDhMRe4
Deadline: February 28th 14:00
Participants will arrange their own travels from home to the venue and back.
They will claim reimbursement of the travel costs (flights, trains, other means of
transport), compensated up to €200. The costs of accommodation & food will be fully covered.
You can reach us at info@intermediakt.org if you have any questions.